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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Midterm Essay 1

Midterm Essay 1

Q This essay should answer the question of are human rights universal? In your answer, you should speak to the foundations of the modern human rights regime as well as the philosophical debates around the idea of universality. Your essay should also refer to the origins and the historical context of the UDHR. Your essay should be 1200 words maximum, and must use at least four course readings. Use APA 7th edition for all citations and your reference list. YOU DO NOT NEED A TITLE PAGE, but must give your essay a title and have your name with the title at the top of your first page. For more information on APA, please use this reference. (Links to an external site.) Rubric The Universality of Human Rights Essay #1 Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClaim and Anaylsis The paper makes a clear claim as to whether human rights are universal or not and why. Evidence is provided to defend the claim as well as analysis of the evidence provided. 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent -The essay includes a clear definition of universality. -There is a clear discussion of the different debates around the idea. -The paper situates their claim in a historical understanding, including a discussion of how human rights came to the United Nation. -At least four citations from course content are utilized. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, Writing and Citations -The essay is organized and contains clearly laid out paragraphs with few grammatical errors and anything not common knowledge includes a citation. -All citations are using APA format. 5 pts Total Points: 30 The Universality of Human Rights Essay #1 Rubric

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Every human being in this world deserves to live happily with all the necessary needs, and human rights are the basic rights that humans deserve and freedom from birth until death. Human rights are needed because every human deserves to be treated equally and live happily in this world. All humans are equal, and everyone deserves to live with facilities and fairness. Every human being should live a life of dignity, honor, and worth. Human rights also make the key values of the society like dignity, respect, fairness, and equality. Human rights protect all human beings, particularly those who face neglect, isolation, and abuse (Argenal, 2022).